With a term like Digitalcrack, you find yourself understanding and going through the same things over and over again sometimes when it comes to tech addiction reviews. You find yourself thinking that this is the last time or this is the ONE for me and all you do is go back to something you already don't work in hopes that it does now for no reason at all. Or you will find yourself in support of things that you have no need of just to have the experience. No matter how many times you say "This is it" ..it never is. You can do all the positive points and negative graphics you want and all you will end up doing is something you know you shouldn't do or something stupid or needless to do for the sake of buying something new or rebuying something you already had. Pretty soon people get tired of you telling them about the new thing because they remember you telling them about the old thing just 2 months ago that was perfect or the best you had seen and now you are back at it again with the same claims of something better. Worse yet you get tired of yourself. You start to be untrusted in your reviews. But the catch 22 is that you are a reviewer and if you just stopped at the first thing that was good and perfect for you and didn't buy after that or test after that, then the sight does no good for people because it isn't updated regularly.

If you find yourself in the same boat as me you might find yourself wanting to be free from the rinse and repeat lifestyle. At least I know I did once I got these IEM's. The Moondrop Blessing 2 dusk made me see and should I say reminded me that my journey in Digitalcrack was more about the goal of finding what was so perfect for my needs that I had no desire for the next in that category. For the Videogames it was the Ps5, For Tv, it was the LG CX OLED, for sound systems is the LG Dobly Atomos soundbar sound system with rear speakers, for my computer .. custom-made system, for my laptop my Thinkpad, and for my phone ...the Fold 2. This is what led me down the road of Audiophile and completed the desktop adventure with my 660s and my Drop 789. So once the IEM part of my journey was over with the Blessing 2 Dusk..I was stuck with the reality that I don't want anything more from this tech world. And then I realized that others might be struggling with this reality as well. Wanting to finally be at a level that they can finally say it's over because this gets tiring over time.
So these are the first things you must come to terms with....
Avoid trying to find another way or less expensive product to match what you looking for. This always leads to buying multiple products because you sooner or later face the unhappy ending that the product that you got doesn't really live up to what you wanted sooner or later. So save for what you truly want.
Understand the law of Diminishing returns exist and it will rule your life if you break it. So find out where that law takes place in the tech subject you are buying and live under that law. Examples ...for IEM's $300-$500 is the cut-off of Diminishing returns. Buying a $1500 IEM won't ever get you a $1000+ difference in the sound quality of the $300-$500 IEM.
Stop living on Forums looking for Justification of a product you are happy with. The only time you should seek opinions is before you buy or to gain insight on use or fixes. Don't let people rob you of your contentment because they want you to believe in their choices over yours.
What you've already tested and confirmed wasn't good enough last month ...is still the same results this month. Don't go back.
Lastly...there is no such thing as PERFECT for everyone in tech, so seek only your own perfectness.
Living by these things will help anyone who is tired of being thrown about in every direction or tired of the extra cost they have spent needlessly in one direction or another as they chase the prize of the moment. And just know that even knowing these rules won't remove all the temptation to want but it should help you create a path to moving away from this Addiction of tech. This has been my goal and journey for years. I have failed at this objective for years as well. But on this day I think I finally get it, just a little more than usual. I finally want to spend my life enjoying what I have instead of wasting too much of my life comparing and analyzing them because I'm worried that something might be better.