Sitting here thinking about all the knives I've had in the years and I think I'm coming to the conclusion that there is one brand that I have trusted the most and liked the most. That brand of course is Spyderco. Going back over every single knife I have gotten and kept vs returned, I see a pattern over and over. I keep the Spyderco knives the most. Even going back to my childhood years I kept Spyderco knives over others. I thought it was Benchmade but I was wrong. The Spyderco brand and symbols have been a part of my life for years and even my wife's life.

They have been the best cost to performance ratio of all the knives out there especially when compared to the Benchmade. Over the course of my life I have had a total of 7 Benchmade and have never kept but one ...the 940-2. Why? Because they either didn't live up to the hype, didn't cut well, and flat out sucked in their approach to fit in hand. I have 8 Spyderco's and still have 5 in my life today. Why? Only to get others. What I discovered was the Spyderco was just a better knife in its approach to cutting and fit in the hands, which is the whole point of an EDC Knife. No...they don't have the same cool videos and commercials as Benchmade. Nor do they have the same warranty freedom presented by Benchmade. But they still cover for n/w/t failure for the life of the knife. And personally, I haven't had to send any of my knives back for repairs from something that broke at any part of my 46 years on this earth. So for me, those that hard use their knives to the point of breaking isn't the normal case users that I would relate to. So cutting and fitting in the hands are pretty much the top goals for any knife I purchase.

So with my Spyderco Sage 5 now in my hands and testing, I have completed the review and come to a new nickname for it. "Kylo Ren" seems fitting as I have changed the lanyard to red to match the red saber he carried in the movies. Ironically it matches my conflict of choices in knives and brands perfectly. And for those who haven't had the privilege of having a Sage 5 yet, to put it simply...it's the best Spyderco I've ever felt open and close in my life. It is the best well-produced and crafted design in any Spyderco I have ever had. The weight is perfect, the scales a beyond perfect giving a sense of irony as it reflects light differently depending on the way it's held. kinda like Kylo Ren conflicted nature being reflected by his saber).

The All Flat grind s30v steel is also my perfect choice for blades. Easy to sharpen and keeps a sharpening blade through everyday use while having resistance to rust. It's basically a perfect knife. It has zero flaws and leaves nothing to your desire of wanting more or something different. If I was to create the perfect knife...this would be it. The tolerances are beyond next level and the cost is under $150. Spyderco just nailed this knife and not enough people talk about this. This is my new EDC and pretty happy about it. If there is a better knife I have not run into it yet. Once I do ...well I guess we will redo this over again :).