's a newer company but a company that had been kicking the crap out of competition for the last couple of years with their very high quality products at reasonable prices. They have carved a niche out for themselves and found something that makes them unique and special. They didn't do anything too complicated and yet what they did left their mark on the IEM community.
Formula= 3 top things.
1.Create a image or face for their name.
2.Created a targeted sound goal for their line of IEM.
3.Be reliable and consistent in their quality and build.
So they created the Moondrop Anime Girl mascot. Shot for the Harmen Sound Curve and went about creating a look and fit for physical molds that can be duplicate consistently and yet have the ability to be changed slightly different but enough to count as a different product in sound and physical looks so they could sell more products once the right core DNA could be duplicateble across different variations. But this wasn't the end. They made their lineup affordable and reasonable while delivering more for your money....JACKPOT!
These are the things that make people turn their heads and open their wallets. These kind of results in the IEM world of Clones and look alike are what separates your products from others. They create legions and loyalty to the company and its ways. And these types of companies come in and disrupt the status quo and order of dominance of higher cost products and makes it harder for efforts of all not to be at the very best of their game. These companies also create room for other newcomers to enter the game that might not have the budget and or R&D to push for more costly things like a big name or high-tech looks to break in. Because if Moondrop can do it, then it's possible for others to follow. No more will your name only be good enough in IEM to sell products. Now you have to perform and justify cost and position more and more thanks to companies like Moondrop.