During the time I have had these headphones something has happened. Either they have burned in ...which still there are plenty of respected reviewers that still believe in this. Or my ear has grown in love with them to the point that I am hearing bass levels better and separation better than they were before. Now keep in mind I have been listening to other IEM's and headphones that have had much better bass since having these headphones. And it wasn't until recently that everything has come together. And when I say together ...I'm talking about absolute perfection! Through all of my listening, I have not heard a more perfect representation of music and sound through my Set up and EQ for sound. For the first time...even going back to the 58x ...I see the slightly overpowered sub-bass that is sometimes exposed on the headphone vs what I get with 660s with the same settings. And even when I EQ that bass down a little ...the overall imaging, separation, and soundstage just aren't there like it is with the 660s.
Over and over again I heard people like the Josh Valours and DMS say things like "The 660s is a more capable and technically superior headphone than the 58x". I couldn't see this even when I initially had both testing them in the beginning. But a month has gone by and everything has changed. The details that this brings out are so beautiful to me now. All the advantages stick out like a sore thumb. I don't even feel or hear the roll off of the bass. So this tells me that my ears have a lot to do with things and perhaps the time with the other headphones and IEM's have retrained my ears to be more sensitive to the signature it presents. But then again it could one other thing, Comfort. You see, when I first got these headphones it took me so long to get the fit right. I stretched out the headphones with different technics but I never could get the right clamping force that stayed in place without creating pressure on my head. And it seems that the moment I got the right clamping force down the sound change happened as well. Maybe they have nothing to do with themselves and maybe they do. All I know is so many things have changed and what these things were and what they are now are completely different. If you ask me right now what I want from a headphone...it would be exactly this, completely and utterly the 660s 100%. I can find absolutely nothing it does wrong and absolutely nothing I would change that isn't already being accomplished with my amp/DAC and Sound EQ settings I use for all my headphones.
I think for the first time in my life I have a perfection found in technology. This normally results in two things. Either next week they blow up:). Or I do something stupid to disturb this perfect moment. Self-destruction is the key to humanity. We find away out of Eden one way or another. And it is in this that I don't want to be a part of. I'm happy and I want to stay this way but I can only do this by not looking over my shoulders needlessly. I literally have all I need in headphone tech. It's black, matt finished, great mids, great vocals, great timbre, great imaging, great sub-bass, very nice sound-staging without losing intimacy,$360 instead of $499, warranty, longevity, and comfort. The only other headphone that beats this in "some" areas is the Sundara. But I get pressure headaches to occur because of the tightness of the fit and unlike the 660s, you can't stretch out this tightness. So this mixed with the unreliability of the unit's driver balancement and its longevity and what you have is an untrusted headphone that didn't sound like the 660s sound today after burn-in. And if I'm being honest enough with myself I really don't want to be wrong. I felt this same way with the 58x and got the 660s and now I swear by it. A small part of me thinks "what if I'm wrong again about the 660s vs the Sundara, especially with the Sundara now at $260 used. But this is the loop that drags all humans down. The what if's. They kill the best parts of us, our contentment.