Well…the very best sports game in the world, Fifa was a combination of EA’s hard work and programing and Fifa’s name and lics for World Cup competitions. For 30 years this partnership was the heart of the game Fifa for many millions around the world for gaming. Either on PC or consoles, the name was known all around the world. From athletes to young and old men and women, we have always loved this game. So when you hear that a partnership like this is coming to end it kinda hurts or frightens you. What is the outcome of the beloved game? Will this put an end to the game? Is this the last time we will see this game the way it is? Will it turn into a Pro evolution game without any licensed teams or players? Well, we have some answers finally.
According to EA Sports…the Ball is in their corner, not Fifa( Thank God). Fifa now wanting 1 billion just for the license of their name and Tournaments will not stop EA from moving forward with business as usual. According to the latest press response to this ugly mess…Fifa has gone on record to claim they have never liked EA from the very beginning and will seek out other games to give their license too…(GOOD LUCK), although it’s pretty much empty waters for any other game company to be able to afford 1 billion for the name FIFA and their World Cup name because this is actually all they can take from EA. Based on reports EA has confirmed that they have multiple License agreements with over 17,000 football athletes …700 teams and 100 stadiums and 30 other leagues license for tournaments. And all they would need to do is name the World Cup tournament another name and remove the word Fifa from their game title. Wow…talk about Check and Mate. The vision EA had in this to put things in place to protect them is incredible work and whoever managed this on their side should be well rewarded for their efforts in preparing for this event, if and when it happened. Looks like EA was already seeing the writing on the wall long before now and pretty much bulletproofed themselves if all of this is true.
But for Fifa the organization, this doesn’t look good on them at all. They basically set off bombs in their own home and now are looking for someone to pay for it. They have come out and spoke words that can’t be taken back trying to call for bluffs that they never had leverage on and will regret this even if they can find another game to grant a license to …nobody cares about the title “FIFA”..they care about the clubs, names, and stadiums. So even if they manage to find someone stupid enough to pay a Billion dollars so they can put the word Fifa on the game and the word World Cup inside the game for a tournament…they will still never take a thing away from EA’s power and hold for the gaming community because all they care about is rather or not Liverpool or Manchester United in the game with their favorite players and if EA has this hold on this…the word Fifa won’t make up for it, just ask Pro-Evolution how well their none license game is selling.