Time: 11:00am (in bed)
Environment: Rain clouds cover the sky. My room has grey gloom film over it to match the grey light coming through the shades from the cold December storm that brewes outside with the silence that accompanies it just before it starts..
In honor of the latest series on streaming Tv... I decided to go with this song for my diary entry song. My tool of choice this morning is the new IEM entry, the B3's by Final audio (thanks to Josh Valour's YouTube review). This song and the bread and butter of the B3's are perfect together. And that bread and butter is soundstaging. It's really beautiful to hear the vocals of the chant reach out around you ..engulfing you in their voices along with the single bass drum in the distance that happens randomly that brings the Soundstage balance to surface. And finally the foundation...the bagpipes hum that stands throughout the song, almost like a light from lighthouse, always giving you the needed inspiration to keep moving forward as you get closer to your connection to the song. It's so inviting and changes your focus from the world around you to a new world now created in your own universe. One absent of hatred, one absent of pain, one absent of jealousy and wrath. Now only the angels sing around you and their voices seem to open up a new vision of truth as they sing.
Quote : "Peace is only created from within"