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Bluetooth earphones' battery life is not missed!

The knowledge that you gain over time and experiences can radically change everything about your thoughts and acceptances. I remember I was just like all the other Sheep in the world when it came down to Bluetooth earphones and headphones. I had been listening to them for so long that I adapted to that signature and forgot all about what sound was supposed to be like. I remember having this knowledge before when I was a Dj using records and wired connections to everything from headphones to earphones. But the excitement of being wireless slowly made me adapt to this way of life and forgetting about any advantages I had in sound any other way. Over time I just kept buying and remembering the excitement that I had when I could go 3 hours without charging my earphones. Seemed like such a long time for not having to be by a charging port or case. Then they made it to 4...then to 5 and some got it to 7 or 8 hours without charging. And I thought that was a miracle.

It wasn't until I got back into Audiophile headphones and IEM's that I started to remember the fundamental difference between bluetooth and Audiophile-grade products besides the obvious chasm difference in sound quality. The absolute needless routine of charging your earphones or headphones. I mean the number of hours I'm lost into my work or just reading with my IEM's is just shameful. I never break from the submersion of the next dimension I'm in simply to worry about the battery life of the earphones and if I have enough. No more worrying about charging anything but my smartphone and I never have to do that until I go to bed so it never gets in the way ever and I love it. I truly didn't remember the headaches that having to worry about battery life on earphones and headphones are. Even when you leave the house you always have to wonder if you bought your charging cord for the earphones or headphones just in case it runs out of battery life. I just grab them and plug them in my phones and I have sound ...and not just ordinary sound but Audiophile quality sound. And I really forgot about that advantage until recently but am thankful it's there.



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