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Audiophile Diaries: Moving on with life with a "Blessing"

Another day and another IEM. I could brag about how great this is and how it's unbeatable( which is a lie because nothing is unbeatable but God). I could go on and on about how great the IEM fits with the right tips. Or I could bring up how amazing everything down from the wiring to the see through design screams high quality. I could go on and on about how it's the first IEM that actually sounds like a headphone. Or how the tuning is flat out the very best ever done on a IEM at any price point. Or that the timbre, imaging, and separation, and mids and vocals have no equal in the IEM world. But I won't get I to all that:). I will instead express how amazing this songs sounds. Everything is right in my room playing outside my body and yet inside my brain ....something only headphones could duplicate before now. Every bell and tambourine has such great separation and details ..I swear it's real. And I'm not just hyping this up or blowing smoke here. It's something special going on with this IEM in every single way.

Moondrop Blessing 2 Dusk

Nothing sounds like a recording or that it's simulated. It sounds so perfect in its timbre and duplication approach of every sound thrown through it from instruments to vocals. And if that's not enough...I have Thanked God for this earphone and being able to have as a instrument used for music and sounds in my life. That's how appreciative I am to have such a amazing piece of tech to use come about for me. I am so blessed and his grace is the key of everything that he has given me. So this experience does not go unnoticed. I literally do not want a single other IEM in my life starting today. I'm gong about the selling of every other IEM or earphone I have.

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