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All Grown up, Audiophile!

It's truly been a ride, I have to say. I have gone through some amazing events and I've learned and trained myself and my ears through all of my mistakes and purchases to end up where I am today. And none of this is where I thought I would end up when I first left the house on this adventure, sorta speak. The 58x were my first growth. I learned with them that there truly was a difference in Bluetooth audio vs Wired Hi-fi Audiophile headphones. I also learned that the price difference between the two formats didn't matter. There was a clear and almost embarrassing fact that Audiophile grade headphones were a universe beyond Bluetooth sound quality. Once I learned that I dove into the different headphones like a virgin testing out partners. Spent more money on headphones like the Sundara, only to find out that the Sennheiser's lineup of headphones still stood superior in longevity and QC. After 2 exchanges of the Sundara, I ultimately ended up seeing that they were not built to the same standards as the Sennheiser who's pedigree stood for over 20 years and is still on everyone's shelf to this day. So after that, I convinced myself that the 58x was the best and that others like the 660s didn't really show any difference in sound quality. I defended this position every day for months until I finally purchased the 660s myself. What I thought was going to happen was a quick return once I proved to myself that I was right about the 58x vs the 660's.

But all I did was find cause to keep the 660s over the 58x. It was newer ...prettier...and came with a warranty, even though I doubted that I was going to need it. I had convinced myself that I wasn['t going to get the Sub-bass as I wanted from it after spending weeks with the 58x. But I kept it and purchased some IEM's next. The Kato's and the B3's by Final Audio were my new test. So I walked away for a few weeks, leaving the 660's, who at that time had a very nice signature but just a decent bass extension that I wanted more from. I thought I was going to find this in the IEM's and would keep the 660s just for critical listening. Not only did I find that the IEM's were just as messed up when trying to truly identify which is truly the best, but once I went back to the 660's I found that the bass was flat out perfect. It was like it took on an upgrade somehow without me even using them. But we know that didn't happen. No, all that happened was my ears reset from the overly done bass on the 58x. And by going to the IEM, which can't keep up with the headphone world, I got bass that wasn't as refined as the 660's but I thought it was better based on memory. So what did happen was a man that saw that I was wrong again about the IEM's dominance over headphones and was wrong about the quality of Bass the 660s had. Now, the 660's bass is actually just under a level that is almost too much and going to something more than this isn't what I want from any headphones or IEM's. I now see that the 660's always delivered on what was needed. This plugged into my 789 amp and my Modi with an XLR connection just absolutely kills it. So it is a life lesson. I don't have to wonder about anything with my setup from headphones to IEM. Headphones are the rulers of the audiophile world IMO. Sure IEM's are great additions but they won't replace the fullness of sound found in the headphone. At least not with my setup. The 660s are now playing at a level that shows me no weakness nor anything else wanted from its signature. And most importantly I want nothing more from sound than what it delivers.

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