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A simple $10 upgraded made my Blessong 2 dusk even more perfect ( which is impossible:)))

If you follow this site ...then you know that I am completely head over heels in love with the Blessing 2 IEMs. They are the best IEM I have ever heard. The tuning done for them by Crinicle makes it the best sounding IEM under $1000. Well, if there was a flaw to be pointed out it would be the fact that IEMs don't focus on phone calls because they don't have mics. So sometimes people upgrade the cable to a mic cable. However, in doing so sometimes they lose quality or looks of the original cable. So I for one didn't bother even considered adding a new cable. Well that changed after my cable starting to form green stuff at the tips of the cable. I also started to experience sound issues due to this corrison because it was at the areas where it connected to my IEMs. So I had two choices. Order a $200 cable exact replacement or take a chance with another cable much cheaper ($10) and add the ability to provide a mic and media controls. I picked the later:). Sound quality thankfully was the same(maybe .5% better actually). Cables also had a better ear-wrap which allowed even better fit than before as well. And of course now I can control music without pulling out my phone. So basically, I took something that was the best already and made it invincible.



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